يعلن مكتب العلاقات الدولية عن عدد 5 منح خاصة بجامعة المنصورة لسفر السادة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعة لقضاء أسبوع للتدريب بجامعة Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences بدولة ليتوانيا ممولة بالكامل من الاتحاد الأوروبي في إطار برنامج ايراسموس بلس.
5 Staff Training Mobility to Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences- Lithuania
International Relations Office announces Erasmus+ Key Action 107 Open Call Mansoura University, Egypt & Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences- Lithuania
Time of Mobility : June 2022
Deadline for Application: 30th April , 2022
Topics and Faculties of Training : https://en.viko.lt/studies/faculties/
Required Documents:
-A copy of valid Passport
-Updated CV (Maximum 3 Pages)
-List of Publications
-Motivation Letter
For Application please fill the Google form and upload the required documents through this link :
Important Notes and Regulations:-
-All applications are pre-screened by the selection committee.
-All applications received after the due date above will be considered incomplete and will be discarded
5 Staff Training Mobility to Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences- Lithuania
International Relations Office announces Erasmus+ Key Action 107 Open Call Mansoura University, Egypt & Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences- Lithuania

-A copy of valid Passport
-Updated CV (Maximum 3 Pages)
-List of Publications
-Motivation Letter


-All applications are pre-screened by the selection committee.
-All applications received after the due date above will be considered incomplete and will be discarded